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From April 2012, Prof. Motonobu Goto has moved fromഀ Kumamoto University to Nagoya University. Gotoഀ Laboratory is responsible for education and research in the field ofഀ separation, reaction, and analysis of diffusion phenomena for material preparationഀ and a new process development. In particular, the development of newഀ processes are including prepared nano-materialsഀ from solvent, supercritical, and subcritical fluids extraction, performanceഀ of the process phenomena, and development of the process that use anഀ electrostatic field and plasma generated in a supercritical fluid. ഀ | ഀ
Department of Chemicalഀ Engineering ഀSchool of Engineering / Graduate Schoolഀ of Engineering ഀNagoya University ഀ2015.11 ഀ
2014.4 ഀ | ഀ
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