* My Book by the captain was published on Jan. 2017
* Introductory Essey appeared in THE MID-JAPAN ECONOMIST PAPER on 22nd July 2013 (click!)
* Award-Winning of Venture Business Plan Grand Prix on January 2013 (click!)
* "Stack-type Thermoelectric Power Generating Module with Flexible Section and using Phase Changes of Low-boiling-point Medium"; Energy Conversion and Management, 127, pp.103-111, 2016
* "Feasibility Demonstrations of Liquid Turbine Power Generator driven by Low Temperature Heats"; Scientific Research, Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 4, pp.87-94, 2016
* "Thermoelectric Power Generating Device"; Japanese Open Patent, No. 2013-157432, 2013
* "Piezo-electric Power Generating Device"; Japanese Open Patent, No. 2013-158138, 2013
* "Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production from Water with Nonfood Hydrocarbons as Oxidizing Sacrifice Agents"; AIChE Journal, 57(8), pp.2237-2243, 2011
* "Effect of TiO2 Crystallite Diameter on Photocatalytic Water Splitting Rate"; Scientific Research, Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 4, pp.59-67, 2014
* "Enhancement of Photocatalytic Water Splitting Rate via Rayleigh Convection"; Scientific Research, Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 4, pp.80-86, 2014
* "Hydrogen Producing Device"; Japanese Open Patent, No. 2014-37323, 2014
* "Development of Super- and Sub-Critical Water Annealing Processes"; Powder Technology, 249, pp.163-167, 2013
* "Thermal Treatment Method of Inorganic Powders"; PATENT in Japan, applying number 2010-072988, 2010