名古屋大学大学院工学研究科 物質プロセス工学専攻




H. Tajika, K. Kutsukake, N. Usami
Stress Analysis and Dislocation Cluster Generation in Silicon Crystal with Artificial Grain Boundaries
Journal of Crystal Growth 649 (2025) 127922
T. Sato, S. Miyamoto, S. Suzuki, H. Minamiyama, M. Dhamrin and N. Usami
SiGe epitaxial growth using screen printing of Al-Ge paste on Si followed by pulsed laser annealing
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. in press (2025) 
後藤 和泰, 深谷 昌平, 宇佐美 徳隆
車載テクノロジー 12, 6-10 (2025)



宇佐美徳隆, 大野裕, 沓掛健太朗, 工藤博章, 小島拓人,横井達矢
共立出版, 2024年5月31日
 T. Keerthivasan, G. Anbu, M. Srinivasan, T. Kojima, J. Kumar Rath, N. Usami, N. Vijayan, R. Madhesh, C. Balaji, M. Singh, Chalapathi Rao, and P. Ramasamy
Investigating impurities and surface properties in germanium co‑doped multi‑crystalline silicon: a combined computational and experimental investigation
J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 35:49  (2024) 
R. Madhesh, S. Sreeja Balakrishnapillai, M. Srinivasan, A. Gowthami, K. Kutsukake, T. Keerthivasan,R. Ramadoss, N. Usami, and P. Ramasamy 
Exploring mc-Silicon Wafers: Utilizing Machine Learning to Enhance Wafer Quality Through Etching Studies
Cryst. Res. Technol., 2300279 (2024)
H. Wang, Y. Kurokawa, J. Zhang, K. Gotoh, X. Liu, S. Miyamoto, and N. Usami
Core–shell yarn-structured triboelectric nanogenerator for harvesting both waterdrop and biomechanics energies
Applied Physics Express 17, 017005 (2024)
Y. Song, J. Yun, J. Kim, W. Jang, H. Jang, J. Park, M. Cho, H. Sohn, N. Usami, S. Miyamoto, K. Itoh, D. Kim
Coherence of a field gradient driven singlet-triplet qubit coupled to multielectron spin states in 28Si/SiGe
npj Quantum Information 10, 77, 692 (2024)
N. Usami, K. Kutsukake, T. Kojima, H. Kudo, T. Yokoi, Y. Ohno
Multicrystalline informatics: A methodology to advance materials science by unraveling complex phenomena
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, VOL. 25, NO. 1, 2396272 (2024)
Y. Fujita, N. Usami, T. Fujii, H. Nagai
Truth set size prediction by Newton’s cooling law
PLOS Complex Syst 1(3): e0000020
T. Harada, K. Kutsukake, N. Usami, T. Ikari, and A. Fukuyama
Thermal boundary conductance of artificially and systematically designed grain boundaries of Silicon measured by laser heterodyne photothermal displacement method
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 205703 (2024)
T. Matsui, S. Fukaya, S. McNab, J. McQueen, K. Gotoh, H. Sai, N. Usami, and Ruy Sebastian Bonilla
Symmetric dopant-free Si solar cells enabled by TiOx nanolayers: An in-depth study on bipolar carrier selectivity
Advanced Science 2024, 2410179



H. Luo, V.H. Nguyen, K. Gotoh, S. Ajito, T. Hojo, Y. Kurokawa, E. Akiyama and N. Usami
Influence of post-oxidizing treatment on passivation performance on the spin-coated titanium oxide films on crystalline silicon
Thin Solid Films 764, 139597 (January, 2023)
H. Wang, Y. Kurokawa, K. Gotoh, S. Kato, S. Yamada, T. Itoh, and N. Usami
Performance enhancement of droplet-based electricity generator using a CYTOP intermediate layer
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 62, SC1032  (January, 2023)
H. Kojima, T. Nishihara, K. Gotoh, N. Usami, T. Hara, K. Nakamura, Y. Ohshita, and A. Ogura
Evaluation of Damage in Crystalline Silicon Substrate Induced by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition of Amorphous Silicon Films
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 12(1) (January, 2023)
K. Shibata, S. Kato, M. Kurosawa, K. Gotoh, S. Miyamoto, N. Usami, and Y. Kurokawa
Preparation and thermoelectric characterization of boron-doped Si nanocrystals/silicon oxide multilayers
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 62, SC1074 (February, 2023)
表面と真空 66, 89-90, 2023年2月10日
F. Kumagai, K. Gotoh, S. Miyamoto, S. Kato, K. Kutsukake, N. Usami and Y. Kurokawa
Bayesian optimization of hydrogen plasma treatment in silicon quantum dot multilayer and application to solar cells
Nanoscale Research Letters 18, Article number: 43 (2023)
S. Fukaya, K. Gotoh, T. Matsui, H. Sai, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Quantitative evaluation of implied open-circuit voltage after metal electrode deposition on TiOx/Si heterostructures by photoluminescence imaging:impact of metallization on passivation performance
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 62, SK1019 (April, 2023)
K. Gotoh, R. Ozaki, M. Morimura, A. Tanaka, Y. Iseki, K. Nakamura, K. Muramatsu, Y. Kurokawa, Y. Ohshita, and N. Usami
Impact of B2H6 plasma treatment on contact resistivity in silicon heterojunction solar cells
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 62 SK1026 (April, 2023)
Y. Kurokawa, K. Sato, K. Shibata, S. Kato, S. Miyamoto, K. Gotoh, T. Itoh, N. Usami
Thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si thin films prepared by thermal evaporation of Mg and face-to-face annealing
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 163, 107552 (May, 2023)
Y. Kimata, K. Gotoh, S. Miyamoto, S. Kato, Y. Kurokawa, N. Usami
Fabrication of light trapping structures specialized for near-infrared light by nanoimprinting for the application to thin crystalline silicon solar cells
Discover Nano 18, 72 (May, 2023)
K. Hara, T. Kojima, K. Kutsukake, H. Kudo, N. Usami
A machine learning-based prediction of crystal orientations for multicrystalline materials
APL Machine Learning 1, 026113 (May, 2023)
K. Hara, T. Kojima, K. Kutsukake, H. Kudo, N. Usami
3D CNN and grad-CAM based visualization for predicting generation of dislocation clusters in multicrystalline silicon
APL Machine Learning 1, 036106 (July, 2023)
Kosuke O. Hara, R. Takagaki, K. Arimoto and N. Usami
Microstructural, electrical, and optoelectronic properties of BaSi2 epitaxial films grown on Si substrates by close-spaced evaporation
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 966, 171588 (2023)
M. Matsumi, K. Gotoh, M. Wilde, Y. Kurokawa, K. Fukutani, N. Usami
Improvement of passivation performance of silicon nanocrystal/silicon oxide compound layer by two-step hydrogen plasma treatment
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 262, 112538 (15th October 2023)
Y. Li, H. Sai, C. McDonald, Z. Xu, Y. Kurokawa, N. Usami, and T. Matsui
Nanoscale Size Control of Si Pyramid Texture for Perovskite/Si Tandem Solar Cells Enabling Solution-Based Perovskite Top-Cell Fabrication and Improved Si Bottom-Cell Response
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 2300504 (2023)
Y. Ogura, A. Nakamura, T. Kameyama, Y. Kurokawa, E. Tochigi, N. Shibata, T. Torimoto, S. Hoshino, T. Yokoi, K. Matsunaga
The effect of room-temperature plastic deformation in darkness on the photoluminescence properties of ZnS
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, DOI:10.1111/jace.19564 (November, 2023)
M. Matsumi, K, Gotoh, M. Wilde, Y. Kurokawa, K. Fukutani, and N. Usami
Hydrogenation of silicon-nanocrystals-embedded silicon oxide passivating contacts
IOP Science, Nanotechnology 35, 105602 (December, 2023)
K. Yamakoshi, Y. Ohno, K. Kutsukake, T. Kojima, T. Yokoi, H. Yoshida, H. Tanaka, X. Liu, H. Kudo, N. Usami
Multicrystalline Informatics Applied to Multicrystalline Silicon for Unraveling The Microscopic Root Cause of Dislocation Generation
Advanced Materials,  https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202308599 (December, 2023)
H. Wang, Y. Kurokawa, J. Wang, W. Cai, J. Zhang, S. Kato, and N. Usami
Free-Standing Electrode and Fixed Surface Tiny Electrode Implemented Triboelectric Nanogenerator with High Instantaneous Current
Advanced Science News, Nano-Micro Small, 2308531 (December, 2023)
N. Usami
Pioneering Multicrytalline Informatics
JSAP Review, 230218 (2023)
応用物理 92, 662 (2023)



Y. Fujita and N. Usami
Fractal dimension analogous scale-invariant derivative of Hirsch’s index
Appl Netw Sci 7, 5 (2022)
R. Tsubata, K. Gotoh, M. Matsumi, M. Wilde, T. Inoue, Y. Kurokawa, K. Fukutani, and N. Usami
Silicon Nanocrystals Embedded in Nanolayered Silicon Oxide for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells
ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5, 1820-1827 (January, 2022)
共立出版, 115-122 (January, 2022) 
新東技報 39, pp.80-81(2022年1月)
Y. Kurokawa, T. Yoshino, K. Gotoh, S. Miyamoto and N. Usami
Fabrication of BaSi2 homojunction diodes on Nb-doped TiO2 coated glass substrates by aluminum-induced crystallization and two-step evaporation method
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 61, SC1029 (February, 2022)
X. Liu, Y. Dang, H. Tanaka, Y. Fukuda, K. Kutsukake, T. Kojima, T. Ujihara, and N. Usami
Data-Driven Optimization and Experimental Validation for the Lab-Scale Mono-Like Silicon Ingot Growth by Directional Solidification
ACS Omega 2022,7, 6665–6673 (February, 2022)
Y. Fukuda, K. Kutsukake, T. Kojima and N. Usami
Effects of grain boundary structure and shape of the solid–liquid interface on the growth direction of the grain boundaries in multicrystalline silicon
Cryst. Eng. Comm. 24, 1948–1954 (February, 2022)
Y. Yamashita, K. Takayanagi, K. Gotoh, K. Toko, N. Usami, and T. Suemasu
Zn1–xGexOy Passivating Interlayers for BaSi2 Thin-Film Solar Cells
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022 14 (11), 13828-13835 (February, 2022)
M. Fujiwara, K. Takahashi, Y. Nakagawa, K. Gotoh, T. Itoh, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Improved conversion efficiency of p-type BaSi2/n-type crystalline Si heterojunction solar cells by a low growth rate deposition of BaSi2
AIP Advances 12, 045115 (April, 2022)
H. Kato, S. Kamibeppu, T. Kojima, T. Matsumoto, H. Kudo, Y. Takeuchi, K. Kutsukake, and N. Usami
Estimation of Crystal Orientation of Grains on Polycrystalline Silicon Substrate by Recurrent Neural Network
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, IEEJ Trans2022;17, 1685 – 1687 (July, 2022)
Y. Fukuda, K. Kutsukake, T. Kojima, Y. Ohno, and N. Usami
Study on electrical activity of grain boundaries in silicon through systematic control of structural parameters and characterization using a pretrained machine learning model
J. Appl. Phys., 132, 025102 (July, 2022)
K. Fukuda, S. Miyamoto, M. Nakahara, S. Suzuki, M. Dhamrin, K. Maeda, K. Fujiwara, Y. Uraoka, and N. Usami
Epitaxial growth of SiGe films by annealing Al–Ge alloyed pastes on Si substrate
Scientific Reports 12, 14770 (September, 2022)
Y. Li, H. Sai,T. Matsui, Z. Xu,V. H. Nguyen,Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Nanopyramid Texture Formation by One-Step Ag-Assisted Solution Process for High-Efficiency Monocrystalline Si Solar Cells
Solar RRL, 2200707 (September, 2022)
S. Kato, Y. Kurakawa and T. Soga
Enhancement of reflectance reduction of solar cells by a silicon nanoparticle layer on a textured silicon substrate
Results in Optics 9, 100296 (September, 2022)
T. Deshimaru, K. Yamakoshi, K. Kutsukake, T. Kojima, T. Umehara, H. Udono and N. Usami
Analysis of grain growth behavior of multicrystalline Mg2Si
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 62, SD1002 (November, 2022)
T. Keerthivasan, X. Liu, M. Srinivasan, N. Usami, G. Aravindan, P. Ramasamy
Impurity analysis of the effect of partial replacement of retort with an insulation material on mc-silicon grown in directional solidification furnace: Computational Modeling
Journal of Crystal Growth 599, 126892 (December, 2022)



K. Gotoh, T. Mochizuki, T. Hojo, Y. Shibayama, Y. Kurokawa, E. Akiyama, and N. Usami
Activation energy of hydrogen desorption from high-performance titanium oxide carrier-selective contacts with silicon oxide interlayers
Current Applied Physics 21, 36-42 (January, 2021).
Y. Ohno, T. Tamaoka, H. Yoshida, Y. Shimizu, K. Kutsukake, Y. Nagai, and N. Usami
Origin of recombination activity of non-coherent Σ3{111} grain boundaries with a positive deviation in the tilt angle in cast-grown silicon ingots
Applied Physics Express 14, 011002 (2021).
S. Miyagawa, K. Gotoh, K. Kutsukake, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Application of Bayesian optimization for improved passivation performance in TiOx/SiOy/c-Si heterostructure by hydrogen plasma treatment
Applied Physics Express 14, 025503 (January, 2021).
K. Gotoh, H. Miura, A. Shimizu, Y. Kurokawa, N. Usami
Passivation mechanism of the high-performance titanium oxide carrier-selective contacts on crystalline silicon studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 60, SBBF04 (January, 2021).
P. Krenckel, Y. Hayama, F. Schindler, T. Trötschler, S. Riepe, N. Usami
Propagation of crystal defects during directional solidification of silicon via induction of functional defects 
Crystals 2021, 11, 90 (January, 2021)
セラミックス/日本セラミックス協会 56, 80-83 (February, 2021)
T. Kamioka, Y. Hayashi, K. Gotoh, T. Hara, R. Ozaki, M. Morimura, A. Shimizu, K. Nakamura, N. Usami, A. Ogura, and Y. Ohshita
Simulation study on lateral minority carrier transport in the surface inversion layer of the p-aSi:H/i-aSi:H/cSi heterojunction solar cell
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 60, 026503 (February, 2021)
S. Aonuki, Z. Xu, Y. Yamashita, K. Gotoh, K. Toko, N. Usami, A.B. Filonov, S.A. Nikitsiuk, D.B. Migas, D.A. Shohonov, and T. Suemasu
Mechanisms of carrier lifetime enhancement and conductivity-type switching on hydrogen-incorporated arsenic-doped BaSi2
Thin Solid Films 724, 138629 (March, 2021)
K. Tsuji, S. Suzuki, N. Morishita, T. Kuroki, M. Nakahara, M. Dhamrin, A. Adrian, Z. Peng, T. Buck, and N. Usami
Contact control of Al/Si interface of Si solar cells by local contact opening method
Materials Chemistry and Physics 270, 124833 (June, 2021)
S. Miyagawa, K. Gotoh, K. Kutsukake, Y. Kurokawa and N. Usami
Application of Bayesian optimization for high-performance TiOx/SiOy/c-Si passivating contact
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 230, 111251 (June, 2021)
K. Kutsukake, K. Mitamura, N. Usami and T. Kojima
Direct prediction of electrical properties of grain boundaries from photoluminescence profiles using machine learning
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 032105 (July, 2021) 
R. Nezasa, K. Gotoh,  S. Kato, S. Miyamoto, N. Usami and Y. Kurokawa
Fabrication of Silicon Nanowire Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitors with Al2O3/TiO2/Al2O3 Stacked Dielectric Films for the Application to Energy Storage Devices
Energies 14, 4538 (July, 2021)
Y. Nakagawa, K. Gotoh, T. Inoue, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Improved Performance of Titanium Oxide/Silicon Oxide Electron-Selective Contacts by Implementation of Magnesium Interlayers
Physica Status Solidi a, 2100296 (July, 2021)
Y. Nakagawa, K. Takahashi, M. Fujiwara, K. O. Hara, K. Gotoh, Y. Kurokawa, T. Itoh, T. Suemasu, and N. Usami
Fabrication of heterojunction crystalline Si solar cells with BaSi2 thin films prepared by 2-step evaporation method
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.60, 105503 (September, 2021)
K. Gotoh, M. Wilde, S. Ogura, Y. Kurokawa, K. Fukutani, N. Usami
Impact of chemically grown silicon oxide interlayers on the hydrogen distribution at hydrogenated amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon heterointerfaces
Applied Surface Science 567, 150799 (November, 2021)



M. Hainey Jr., E. Zhou, L. Viguerie, and N. Usami
Surface-orientation control of silicon thin films via aluminum-induced crystallization on monocrystalline cubic substrates
Journal of Crystal Growth 533, 125441 (2020)
S. Kamibeppu, P. Krenckel, T. Trötschler, A. Hess, S. Riepe, and N. Usami
3D visualization of growth interfaces in cast Si ingot using inclusions distribution
Journal of Crystal Growth 535, 125535 (January, 2020)
Y. Kimura, M. Fujiwara, Y. Nakagawa, K. Gotoh, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Effects of evaporation vapor composition and post-annealing conditions on carrier density of undoped BaSi2 evaporated films
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 59, SFFA05 (January, 2020)
S. Miyagawa, K. Gotoh, S. Ogura, M. Wilde, Y. Kurokawa, K. Fukutani, and N. Usami
Effect of hydrogen plasma treatment on the passivation performance of TiOx on crystalline silicon prepared by atomic layer deposition
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 38, 022410 (January, 2020) 
T. Kamioka, Y. Hayashi, K. Gotoh, R. Ozaki, K. Nakamura, M. Morimura, S. Naito, A. Ogura, Y. Ohshita, and N. Usami
Surface inversion layer effective minority carrier mobility as one of the measures of surface quality of the p-aSi:H/i-aSi:H/cSi heterojunction solar cell
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 59, SGGF06 (February, 2020)
M. Nakahara, M. Matsubara, S. Suzuki, M. Dhamrin, S. Miyamoto, M. Hainey Jr. and N. Usami
Fabrication of group IV semiconductor alloys on Si substrate applying Al paste with screen-printing
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 59, SGGF07 (February, 2020)
R. Akaishi, K. Kitazawa, K. Gotoh, S. Kato, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Effect of the Niobium-Doped Titanium Oxide Thickness and Thermal Oxide Layer for Silicon Quantum Dot Solar Cells as a Dopant-Blocking Layer
Nanoscale Research Letters 15, 0039 (February, 2020)
A. Montes, S.W.H. Eijt, Y. Tian, R. Gram, H. Schut, T. Suemasu, M. Zeman, J. Serra, O. Isabella, and N. Usami
Point defects in BaSi2 thin films for photovoltaic applications studied by Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy
Journal of Applied Physics 127, 085304 (February, 2020)
Y. Nakagawa, K. Gotoh, M. Wilde, S. Ogura, Y. Kurokawa, K. Fukutani, and N. Usami
Effect of forming gas annealing on hydrogen content and surface morphology of titanium oxide coated crystalline silicon heterocontacts
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 38, 022415 (February, 2020) 
H. Kobayashi, R. Akaishi, S. Kato, M. Kurosawa, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Preparation and thermoelectric characterization of phosphorus-doped Si nanocrystals/silicon oxide multilayers
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 59, SGGF09 (February, 2020) 
I. Horiba, M. Fujiwara, Y. Nakagawa, K. Gotoh, Y. Kurokawa, T. Itoh, and N. Usami
Synthesis of Mg2Si thin film by thermal treatment under inert gas atmosphere and evaluation of film quality
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 59, SFFB03 (March, 2020)
T. Yoshino, Y. Nakagawa, Y. Kimura, M. Fujiwara, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Influence of the time-dependent vapor composition on structural properties of the BaSi2 thin films fabricated by vacuum evaporation
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 59, SFFA10 (March, 2020)
K.O. Hara, S. Takizawa, J. Yamanaka, N. Usami, and K. Arimoto
Reactive deposition growth of highly (001)-oriented BaSi2 films by close-spaced evaporation
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 113, 105044 (2020) 
V.H. Nguyen, A. Novikov, M. Shaleev, D. Yurasov, M. Semma, K. Gotoh, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Impact of Ge deposition temperature on parameters of c-Si solar cells with surface texture formed by etching of Si using SiGe islands as a mask
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 114, 105065 (2020) 
S. Aonuki, Y. Yamashita, T. Sato, Z.H. Xu, K. Gotoh , K. Toko , Y. Terai, N. Usami, and T. Suemasu
Significant enhancement of photoresponsivity in As-doped n-BaSi2 epitaxial films by atomic hydrogen passivation
Applied Physics Express 13, 051001 (April, 2020)
Y. Kimura, K. Gotoh, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Undoped p-type BaSi2 emitter prepared by thermal evaporation and post-annealing for crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells
Applied Physics Express 13, 051002 (April, 2020)
M. Semma, K. Gotoh, M. Wilde, S. Ogura, Y. Kurokawa, K. Fukutani, and N. Usami
Impact of deposition of indium tin oxide double layers on hydrogenated amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon heterojunction
AIP Advances 10, 065008 (June, 2020)
Z. Xu, T. Sato, L. Benincasa, Y. Yamashita, T. Deng, K. Gotoh, K. Toko, N. Usami, A. B. Filonov, D. B. Migas, D. A. Shohonov, and T. Suemasu
Atomic hydrogen passivation for photoresponsivity enhancement of boron-doped p-BaSi2 films and performance improvement of boron-doped p-BaSi2/n-Si heterojunction solar cells 
Journal of Applied Physics 127, 233104 (June, 2020)
K. Mitamura, K. Kutsukake, T. Kojima, and N. Usami
Determination of carrier recombination velocity at inclined grain boundaries in multicrystalline silicon through photoluminescence imaging and carrier simulation
Journal of Applied Physics 128, 125103 (September, 2020)
Y. Ohno, K. Tajima, K. Kutsukake, and N. Usami
Generation of dislocation clusters at triple junctions of random angle grain boundaries during cast growth of silicon ingots
Applied Physics Express 13, 105505 (October, 2020)
V.H. Nguyen, T.K.A. Hoang, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
The impact of highly excessive PbI2 on the correlation of MAPbI3 perovskite morphology and carrier lifetimes
J. Mater. Chem. C,8,14481-14489 (October, 2020)



1 Y. Hayama, T. Matsumoto, T. Muramatsu, K. Kutsukake, H. Kudo, and N. Usami
3D visualization and analysis of dislocation clusters in multicrystalline silicon ingot by approach of data science
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 189, 239-244 (2019).
2 M. Hainey Jr., Y. Robin , H. Amano, and N. Usami
Pole Figure Analysis from Electron Backscatter Diffraction - an Effective Method of Evaluating Fiber-textured Silicon Thin Films as Seed Layers for Epitaxy
Appl. Phys. Express Volume 12, Number 2, 025501-1~025501-5(2019).
3 Y. Ota, D. Yurasov, A. Novikov, M. Shaleev, K. Gotoh, Y. Kurokawa, N. Usami
Impact of size distributions of Ge islands as etching masks for anisotropic etching on formation of anti-reflection structures
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Volume 58, Number 4, 045505-1~ 045505-6 (2019). 
4 S. Fukami, Y. Nakagawa, M. F. Hainey, Jr., K. Gotoh, Y. Kurokawa, M. Nakahara, M. Dhamrin, and N. Usami
Epitaxial growth of SiGe on Si substrate by printing and firing of Al-Ge mixed paste
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Volume 58, Number 4, 045504-1~ 045504-6 (2019). 
 5 M. Nakahara, M. Matsubara, S. Suzuki, S. Fukami, M. Dhamrin, and N. Usami
Fabrication of Si1-xGex layer on Si substrate by Screen-Printing
MRS Advances 4, 749-754 (2019) 
S. Kato, Y. Kurokawa, K. Gotoh, T. Soga
Fabrication of a Silicon Nanowire Solar Cell on a Silicon-on-Insulator Substrate
Applied Sciences,  Volume 9, 818-1~10 (February, 2019)
S. Kato, Y. Kurokawa, K. Gotoh, T. Soga
Silicon Nanowire Heterojunction Solar Cells with an Al2O3 Passivation Film Fabricated by Atomic Layer Deposition
Nanoscale Research Letters, Volume 14, 99-1~8 (March, 2019) 

Evidence of solute PEDOT:PSS as an efficient passivation material for fabrication of hybrid c-Si solar cells
Sustainable Energy Fuels 2019, 10.1039/C9SE00093C (April, 2019)
 9 H. Lee, T. Kamioka, Yoshio Ohshita, and N. Usami
Effects of Surface Doping of Si Absorbers on the Band Alignment and Electrical Performance of TiO2-Based Electron-Selective Contacts
MRS Advances 4, 769-775 (2019)
 10 Z. Xu, D. A. Shohonov, A. B. Filonov, K. Gotoh, T. Deng, S. Honda, K. Toko, N. Usami, D. B. Migas, V. E. Borisenko, and T. Suemasu
Marked enhancement of the photoresponsivity and minority-carrier lifetime of BaSi2 passivated with atomic hydrogen
Physical Review Materials, 065403 (June, 2019) 
 11 K. Gotoh, M. Wilde, S. Kato, S. Ogura, Y. Kurokawa, K. Fukutani, and N. Usami
Hydrogen concentration at a-Si:H/c-Si heterointerfaces - the impact of deposition temperature on passivation performance
AIP Advances 9, pp.75115 (July, 2019) 
12  K. Gotoh, T. Mochizuki, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Tuning the Electrical Properties of Titanium Oxide Bilayers Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition at Different Temperatures
Physica Status Solidi A, 1900495 (August, 2019) 
 13 Y. Yoshida, T. Watanabe, Y. Ino, M. Kobayashi, I. Takahashi, and N. Usami
Mössbauer spectroscopic microscope study on diffusion and segregation of Fe impurities in mc-Si wafer
Hyperfine Interactions, 240:114 (September, 2019) 
14  A. Boucetta, K. Kutsukake, T. Kojima, H. Kudo, T. Matsumoto, and N. Usami
Application of artificial neural network to optimize sensor positions for accurate monitoring: an example with thermocouples in a crystal growth furnace
Appl. Phys. Express 12 125503 (November, 2019) 
15  M. Nakahara, M. Matsubara, K. Tsuji, S. Suzuki, M. Dhamrin, and N. Usami
Fabrication of Si1-xSnx Layer on Si Substrate by Screen-Printing of Al-Sn Paste
ECS Transactions, 93, 61 (October 2019)




1 D.V. Yurasov, A.V. Novikov, M.V. Shaleev, N.A. Baidakova, E.E. Morozova, E. V.Skorokhodov, Y. Ota, A. Hombe, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Formation of black silicon using SiGe self-assembled islands as a mask for selective anisotropic etching of silicon
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 75, 143-148 (2018).
2 K.O. Hara, C. Yamamoto, J. Yamanaka, K. Arimoto, K. Nakagawa, and N. Usami 
BaSi2 formation mechanism in thermally-evaporated films and its application to reducing oxygen impurity concentration
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57, 04FS01 (2018).
K.O. Hara, K. Arimoto, J. Yamanaka, K. Nakagawa and N. Usami 
Suppression of Near-interface Oxidation in Thermally-evaporated BaSi2 Films and Its Effects on Preferred Orientation and the Rectification Behavior of n- BaSi2/p+-Si Diodes
MRS Advances 1-6, doi:10.1557/adv.2018.31 (2018).
4 K. Takahashi , Y. Nakagawa, K. O. Hara, I. Takahashi, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Alternative Simple Method to Realize P-Type BaSi2 Thin Films for Si Heterojunction Solar Cells Application
MRS Advances 1-8, doi:10.1557/adv.2018.191 (2018).
5 Y. Kurokawa, R. Nezasa, S. Kato, H. Miyazaki, I. Takahashi, and N. Usami
Fabrication of silicon nanowire based solar cells using TiO₂/Al₂O₃ stack thin films
MRS Advances 1-8, doi:10.1557/adv.2018.40 (2018).
6 N.M. Shaalan, K.O. Hara, C.T. Trinh, Y. Nakagawa, and N. Usami
Simple method for significant improvement of minority-carrier lifetime of evaporated BaSi₂ thin film by sputtered-AlOx passivation
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 76, 37-41 (2018).
7 Y. Ota, A. Hombe, R. Nezasa, D. Yurasov, A. Novikov, M. Shaleev, N. Baidakova, E. Morozova, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Formation of light trapping structure using Ge islands by gas source molecular beam epitaxy as etching mask
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57, 08RB04 (2018).
8 S. Masuda, K. Gotoh, I. Takahashi, K. Nakamura, Y. Ohshita, and N. Usami
Impact of boron incorporation on property of Si solar cells employing p-type poly-Si by aluminum induced crystallization
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57, 08RB12 (2018).
 9  M. Sei, Y. Kurokawa, S. Kato, and N. Usami
Investigation of effective near-infrared structure with submicron diameter for crystalline silicon thin film solar cells
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57, 08RB21 (2018).
 10  K. Kitazawa, R. Akaishi, S. Ono, I. Takahashi, N. Usami, and Y. Kurokawa
Influence of barrier layer's height on the performance of Si quantum dot solar cells
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57, 08RF08 (2018).
 11  A. Hombe, Y. Kurokawa, K. Gotoh, S. Akagi, Y. Yamamoto, D. Yurasov, A. Novikov, and N. Usami
Fabrication of light-trapping structure by selective etching of thin Si substrtes masked with a Ge dot layer and nanomasks
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57, 08RF09 (2018).
12 X. Cheng, K. Gotoh, Y. Nakagawa, and N. Usami
Effect of substrate type on the electrical and structural properties of TiO₂ thin films deposited by reactive DC sputtering
J. Cryst. Growth 491, 120-125 (2018).
13 Z. Xu, K. Gotoh, T. Deng, T. Sato, R. Takabe, K. Toko, N. Usami, and T. Suemasu
Improving the photoresponse spectra of BaSi₂ layers by capping with hydrogenated amorphous Si layers prepared by radio-frequency hydrogen plasma
AIP ADVANCES 8, 055306 (2018).
 14 T. Muramatsu, Y. Hayama, K. Kutsukake, K. Maeda, T. Matsumoto, H. Kudo, K. Fujiwara, and N. Usami
Application of  weighted Voronoi diagrams to analyze nucleation sites of multicrystalline silicon ingots
J. Cryst. Growth 499, 62-66 (2018).
 15 T. Mochizuki, K. Gotoh, Y. Kurokawa, T. Yamamoto, and N. Usami
Local Structure of High Performance TiOx Electron-Selective Contact Revealed by Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 5, 1801645 (2018).
 16  宇佐美 徳 隆,羽 山 優 介
応用物理 第 87 巻 第 12 号 912-916(2018)
 17 T. Mochizuki, K. Gotoh, A. Ohta, S. Ogura, Y. Kurokawa, S. Miyazaki, K. Fukutani, N. Usami
Activation mechanism of TiOx passivating layer on crystalline Si
Applied Physcs Express 11(10), 102301 (2018).
 18  K. Takeda, J. Yoneda, T. Otsuka, T. Nakajima, M. R. Delbecq, G. Allison, Y. Hoshi, N. Usami, K. M. Itoh, S. Oda, T. Kodera & S. Tarucha
Optimized electrical control of a Si/SiGe spin qubit in the presence of an induced frequency shift
npj Quantum Information, 4(1), 54, doi:10.1038/s41534-018-0105-z (2018)
19  Mai Thi Kieu Lien, Yoshihiko Nakagawa, Yasuyoshi Kurokawa, Noritaka Usami
Fabrication and properties characterization of BaSi2 thin-films thermally-evaporated on Ge (100) modified substrates
Thin Solid Films, Volume 663, 14-20 (2018) 
 20  Miki Sei, Yasuyoshi Kurokawa, Shinya Kato, Noritaka Usami
Investigation of effective near-infrared light-trapping structure with submicron diameter for crystalline silicon thin film solar cells
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57, 08RB21 (2018)
21  Atsushi Hombe, Yasuyoshi Kurokawa, Kazuhiro Gotoh, Seimei Akagi, Yuzo Yamamoto, Dmitry Yurasov, Alexey Novikov, Noritaka Usami
Fabrication of light trapping structure by selective etching of thin Si substrates masked with a Ge dots layer and nanomasks
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57, 08RF09 (2018)




T. Tayagaki, D. Furuta, O. Aonuma, I. Takahashi, Y. Hoshi, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Optical characterization of double-side-textured silicon wafer based on photonic nanostructures for thin-wafer crystalline silicon solar cells
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 56, 04CS01 (2017)
2 Y. Kurokawa, M. Yano, S. Miyajima, and A. Yamada
Bandgap tuning of silicon nanowire arrays for application to all-silicon tandem solar cells
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 56, 04CS03 (2017)
3 J. Yamanaka, N. Usami, S. Amtablian, A. Fave, M. Lemiti, C. Yamamoto, and K. Nakagawa
TEM and STEM Observations of a Flat Continuous Silicon-Germanium Thin Film Epitaxially Grown on Porous Silicon
J. Mater. Sci. Chem. Eng., 5, 26-34 (2017)
4 K. O. Hara, C. T. Trinh, Y. Kurokawa, K. Arimoto, J. Yamanaka, K. Nakagawa, and N. Usami
Post-annealing effects on the surface structure and carrier lifetime of evaporated BaSi₂ films
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 56, 04CS07 (2017)
5 V. H. Nguyen, P. Sichanugrist, S. Kato, and N. Usami
Impact of anodic aluminum oxide fabrication and post-deposition anneal on the effective carrier lifetime of vertical silicon nanowires
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 166, 39-44 (2017)
6 Y. Arisawa, Y. Hoshi, K. Sawano, J. Yamanaka, K. Arimoto, C. Yamamoto, and N. Usami
Thermal stability of compressively strained Si/relaxed Si₁-xCx heterostructures formed on Ar ion implanted Si (100) substrates
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 70, 127-132 (2017)
7 S. Kato, T. Yamazaki, Y. Kurokawa, S. Miyajima, and M. Konagai
Influence of Fabrication Processes and Annealing Treatment on the Minority Carrier Lifetime of Silicon Nanowire Films
Nanoscale Research Letters, 12, 242 (2017)
8 M. E. Bayu, C. T. Trinh, R. Takabe, S. Yachi, K. Toko, N. Usami, and T. Suemasu
Minority-carrier lifetime and photoresponse properties of B-doped p-BaSi₂, a potential light absorber for solar cells
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 56, 05DB01 (2017)
9 K. Takahashi, Y. Nakagawa, K. O. Hara, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Investigation of p-type emitter layer materials for heterojunction barium disilicide thin film solar cells
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 56, 05DB04 (2017)
10 T. Suhara, K. Murata, A. Navabi, K. O. Hara, Y. Nakagawa, C. T. Trinh, Y. Kurokawa, T. Suemasu, K. L. Wang, and N. Usami
Postannealing effects on undoped BaSi₂ evaporated films grown on Si substrates
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 56, 05DB05 (2017)
11 C. T. Trinh, Y. Nakagawa, K. O. Hara, Y. Kurokawa, R. Takabe, T. Suemasu, and N. Usami
Growth of BaSi₂ film on Ge(100) by vacuum evaporation and its photoresponse properties
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 56, 05DB06 (2017)
12 T. Iwata, I. Takahashi, and N. Usami
Effect of grain boundary structure controlled by artificially designed seeds on dislocation generation
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 56, 075501 (2017)
13 T. Muramatsu, I. Takahashi, G. Anandha babu, and N. Usami
On the growth mechanism of multicrystalline silicon ingots with small grains by using single layer silicon beads
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 56, 075502 (2017)
14 J. A. Wibowo, I. Takahashi, K. O. Hara, and N. Usami
Realization of Crystalline BaSi₂ Thin Films by Vacuum Evaporation on (111)-oriented Si Layers Fabricated by Aluminum Induced Crystallization
JJAP Conf. Proc. , 5, 11201 (2017)
15 K. O. Hara, C. T. Trinh, Y. Nakagawa, Y. Kurokawa, K. Arimoto, J. Yamanaka, K. Nakagawa, and N. Usami
Preferred Orientation of BaSi₂ Thin Films Fabricated by Thermal Evaporation
JJAP Conf. Proc. , 5, 11202 (2017)
16 Y. Arisawa, K. Sawano, and N. Usami
Study on ion implantation conditions in fabricating compressively strained Si/relaxed Si₁−xCx heterostructures using the defect control by ion implantation technique
Journal of Crystal Growth, 468, 601-604 (2017)
17 Y. Hayama, I. Takahashi, and N. Usami
Controlling impurity distributions in crystalline Si for solar cells by using artificial designed defects
Journal of Crystal Growth, 468, 610-613 (2017)  
18 G. A. Babu, I. Takahashi, T. Muramatsu, and N. Usami
Towards optimized nucleation control in multicrystalline silicon ingot for solar cells
Journal of Crystal Growth, 468, 620-624 (2017)
19 K. Arimoto, S. Yagi, J. Yamanaka, K. O. Hara, K. Sawano, N. Usami, and K. Nakagawa
Hole mobility in strained Si/SiGe/vicinal Si(110) grown by gas source MBE
Journal of Crystal Growth, 468, 625-629 (2017)
20 T. Deng, K. Gotoh, R. Takabe, Z. Xu, S. Yachi, Y. Yamashita, K. Toko, N. Usami, and T. Suemasu
Boron-doped p-BaSi₂/n-Si solar cells formed on textured n-Si(001) with a pyramid structure consisting of {111} facets
Journal of Crystal Growth, 475, 186-191 (2017)
21 K. O. Hara, C. T. Trinh, Y. Kurokawa, K. Arimoto, J. Yamanaka, K. Nakagawa, and N. Usami
Fabrication of BaSi₂ thin films capped with amorphous Si using a single evaporation source
Thin Solid Films, 646, 546-551 (2017)
22 Y. Kurokawa, O. Aonuma, T. Tayagaki ,I. Takahashi, and N. Usami
Effect of Surface Morphology Randomness on Optical Properties of Si-based Photonic Nanostructures
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 56, 08MA02 (2017)
23 T. Suemasu, and N. Usami
Exploring the potential of semiconducting BaSi₂ for thin-film solar cell applications
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50, 023001 (2017)
24 K. Gotoh, M. Cui, I. Takahashi, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Development of Spin-coated Copper Iodide Film on Silicon for Use in Hole-selective Contacts
Energy Procedia, 124, 598-603 (2017)
25 Y. Hayama, I. Takahashi, and N. Usami
Controlling Impurity Distribution in Quasi-mono Crystalline Si Ingot by Seed Manipulation for Artificially Controlled Defect Technique
Energy Procedia, 127, 734-739 (2017)
26 K. O. Hara, S. Suzuki, and N. Usami
Formation of metastable cubic phase in SnS thin films fabricated by thermal evaporation
Thin Solid Films, 639, 7-11 (2017)
27 M. M. Rahman, Yi-Chia Tsai, Ming-Yi Lee, A. Higo, Yiming Li, Y. Hoshi, N. Usami, and S. Samukawa
Effect of ALD-Al₂O₃ Passivated Silicon Quantum Dot Superlattices on p/i/n⁺ Solar Cells
28 K. Arimoto, H. Nakazawa, S. Mitsui, N. Utsuyama, J. Yamanaka, K. O. Hara, N. Usami, and K. Nakagawa
Growth of strained Si/relaxed SiGe heterostructures on Si(110) substrates using solid-source molecular beam epitaxy
Semiconductor Science and Technology, 32, 114002 (2017)
29 R. Ishikawa, Y. Kurokawa, S. Miyajima, and M. Konagai 
Peeling process of thin-film solar cells using graphene layers
Applied Physics Express, 10, 082301 (2017)
30 K. O. Hara, C. Yamamoto, J. Yamanaka, K. Arimoto, K. Nakagawa, and N. Usami
Investigation on the origin of preferred a-axis orientation of BaSi₂ films deposited on Si(100) by thermal evaporation
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 72, 93-98 (2017)
31 N. A. Baidakova, V. A. Verbus, E. E. Morozova, A. V. Novikov, E. V. Skorohodov, M. V. Shaleev, D. V. Yurasov, A. Hombe, Y. Kurokawa, and N. Usami
Selective Etching of Si, SiGe, Ge and Its Usage for Increasing the Efficiency of Silicon Solar Cells
Semiconductors, 51, 12, 1542-1546 (2017)
32 J. Yoneda, K. Takeda, T. Otsuka, T. Nakajima, M.R. Delbecq, G. Allison, T. Honda. T. Kodera, S. Oda, Y. Hoshi, N. Usami, K.M. Itoh, and S. Tarucha
A quantum-dot spin qubit with coherence limited by charge noise and fidelity higher than 99.9%
Nature Nanotechnology, doi:10.1038/s41565-017-0014-x (2017)




1 Y.Hoshi, Y.Arisawa, K. Arimoto, J.Yamanaka, K.Nakagawa, K.Sawano, and N.Usami
Compressively strained Si/Si₁_xCx heterostructures formed on Ar ion implanted Si(100) substrates
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 55, 031302 (2016)
2 K.O.Hara, W.Du, K.Arimoto, J.Yamanaka, K.Nakagawa, K.Toko, T.Suemasu, and N.Usami
Control of electrical properties of BaSi₂ thin films by alkali-metal doping using alkali-metal fluorides
Thin Solid Films, 603, 218-223 (2016)
3 K.O.Hara, Y.Nakagawa, T.Suemasu, and N. Usami
Simple vacuum evaporation route to BaSi₂ thin films for solar cell applications
Energy Procedia, 141, 27-31 (2016)
4 Y.Nakagawaa, K.O.Hara, T.Suemasu, and N.Usami
On the mechanism of BaSi₂ thin film formation on Si substrate by vacuum evaporation
Energy Procedia, 141, 23-26 (2016)
5 G.Anandha babu, I.Takahashi, S.Matsushima, and N.Usami
Improved multicrystalline silicon ingot quality using single layer silicon beads coated with silicon nitride as seed layer
Journal of Crystal Growth, 441, 124-130 (2016)
6 D.Tsukahara, S.Yachi, H.Takeuchi, R.Takabe, W.Du, M.Baba, Y.Li, K.Toko, N.Usami, and T.Suemasu
p-BaSi₂/n-Si heterojunction solar cells with conversion efficiency reaching 9.0%
Appl. Phys. Lett., 108, 152101 (2016)
7 T.Tayagaki, Y.Hoshi, Y.Hirai, Y.Matsuo, and N.Usami
Modulated surface nanostructures for enhanced light trapping and reduced surface reflection of crystalline silicon solar cells
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 55, 52302 (2016)
8 M.M.Rahman, A.Higo, H.Sekhar, M.E.Syazwan, Y.Hoshi, N.Usami, and S.Samukawa
Effect of passivation layer grown by atomic layer deposition and sputtering processes on Si quantum dot superlattice to generate high photocurrent for high-efficiency solar cells
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.,55, 032303 (2016)
9 C.T.Trinh, Y.Nakagawa, K.O.Hara, R.Takabe, T.Suemasu, and N.Usami
Photoresponse properties of BaSi₂ film grown on Si (100) by vacuum evaporation
Mater. Res. Express 3, 076204 (2016)
10 T.Hiramatsu, I.Takahashi, S.Matsushima, and N. Usami
Growth direction control of dendrite crystals in parallel direction to realize high-quality multicrystalline silicon ingot
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 55, 091302 (2016)
11 S.Joonwichien, I.Takahashi, K.Kutsukake, and N.Usami
Effect of grain boundary character of multicrystalline Si on external and internal (phosphorus) gettering of impurities
Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl., DOI: 10.1002/pip.2795 (2016)
12 V.H.Nguyen, S.Kato, and N.Usami
Evidence for efficient passivation of vertical silicon nanowires by anodic aluminum oxide
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 157, 393-398 (2016)
13 S.Tutashkonko, N.Usami
Effects of the Si/Al layer thickness on the continuity, crystalline orientation and the growth kinetics of the poly-Si thin films formed by aluminum-induced crystallization
Thin Solid Films, 616, 213-219 (2016)
14 H.Ichikawa, I.Takahashi, N.Usami, K.Shirasawa, and H.Takato
Light-induced recovery of effective carier lifetime in boron-doped Czochralski silicon at room temperature
Energy Procedia, 92, 801-807 (2016)




1 W.Du, R.Takabe, M.Baba, H.Takeuchi, K.O.Hara, K.Toko, N.Usami, and T.Suemasu
Formation of BaSi₂ heterojunction solar cells using transparent MoO x hole transport layers
Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 122104 (2015)
2 I.Takahashi, S.Joonwichien, S.Matsushima, and N.Usami
Relationship between dislocation density and contact angle of dendrite crystals in practical size silicon ingot
Journal of Applied Physics 117, 095701 (2015)
3 D.Tsukahara, M.Baba, K.Watanabe, T.Kimura, K.O.Hara, W.Du, N.Usami, K.Toko, T.Sekiguchi, and T.Suemasu
Cross-sectional potential profile across a BaSi₂ pn junction by Kelvin probe force microscopy
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54(3), 030306 (2015)
4 K.Toko, M.Nakata, A.Okada, M.Sasase, N.Usami, and T.Suemasu
Influence of Substrate on Crystal Orientation of Large-Grained Si Thin Films Formed by Metal-Induced Crystallization
5 T.Tayagaki, Y.Kishimoto, Y.Hoshi, and N.Usami
Absorption enhancement in nanotextured solar cells with Ge/Si heterostructures
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 04DR03 (2015)
6 I.Takahashi, Y.Hoshi, T.Tayagaki, T.Oikawa, K. Ohdaira, and N. Usami
Application of heterojunction to Si-based solar cells using photonic nanostructures coupled with vertically aligned Ge quantum dots
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.54, 08KA06 (2015)
7 O.Aonuma, Y.Hoshi, T.Tayagaki, A.Novikov, D. Yurasov, and N.Usami
Control of surface dip diameter in Si-based photonic nanostructures by changing growth temperature of Ge quantum dot multilayer structures and its impact on their optical properties
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 08KA01(2015)
8 Y.Nakagawa, K.O.Hara, T.Suemasu, and N.Usami
Fabrication of single-phase BaSi₂ thin films on silicon substrates by vacuumevaporation for solar cell applications
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 08KC03(2015)
9 V.H.Nguyen, S.Tutashkonko, Y.Hoshi, and N.Usami 
Effects of anodization process of aluminum oxide template fabrication on selective growth of Si nanowire arrays
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 08KA02 (2015)
10 K.Shojiki, J-H.Choi, T.Iwabuchi, N.Usami, T.Tanikawa, S.Kuboya, T.Hanada, R.Katayama, and T.Matsuoka
Suppression of metastable-phase inclusion in N-polar (0001¯) InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 222102 (2015)
11 S.Joonwichien, I.Takahashi, S.Matsushima, and N.Usami
Comparison of phosphorus gettering effect in faceted dendrite and small grain of multicrystalline silicon wafers grown by floating cast method
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 08KD11 (2015)
12 T.Nishimura, S.Kasashima, Y.Hirai, Y.Kurokawa, and A.Yamada 
Fabrication of Cu(In,Ga)Se₂ solar cells with a single graded band profile
13 Y.Zhang N.Suyama, M.Goto, J.Kuwana, K.Sugimoto, T.Satake, Y.Kurokawa, M.Yin, and A.Yamada
Microstructural characterization of Cu₂ZnSn(S,Se)₄ solar cells fabricated from nanoparticles
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 08KC05 (2015)
14 A.Sadono, M.Hino, M.Ichikawa, K.Yamamoto, Y.Kurokawa, M.Konagai, and A.Yamada
Flexible Cu(In,Ga)Se₂ solar cells fabricated using a polyimide-coated soda-lime glass substrate
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 08KC16 (2015)
15 T.Nishimura, Y.Hirai, Y.Kurokawa, and A.Yamada
Control of valence band offset at CdS/Cu(In,Ga)Se₂ interface by inserting wide-bandgap materials for suppression of interfacial recombination in Cu(In,Ga)Se₂ solar cells
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 08KC08 (2015)
16 K.Furuta, N.Sakai, T.Kato, H.Sugimoto, Y.Kurokawa, and A.Yamada
Improvement of Cu₂ZnSn (S, Se)₄ solar cell efficiency by surface treatment
physica status solidi C, 12, 704 (2015)
17 R.Ishikawa, Y.Kurokawa, S.Miyajima, and M.Konagai 
Graphene transparent electrode for thin-film solar cells
physica status solidi C, 12, 777 (2015)
18 V.H.Nguyen, Y.Hoshi, N.Usami, and M.Konagai
Selective growth of vertical silicon nanowire array guided by anodic aluminum oxide template
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 095003 (2015)
19 I.Takahashi, S.Joonwichien, T.Iwata, and N.Usami
Seed manipulation for artificially controlled defect technique in new growth method for quasi-monocrystalline Si ingot based on casting
Applied Physics Express, 8, 105501 (2015)
20 黒川康良
工業材料, 63, 56 (2015)
21 黒川康良
図解:応用物理学会の未来予測 量子ナノ構造を有する高効率シリコン系太陽電池の開発
応用物理, 84, 727 (2015)
22 宇治原 徹, 島村清史, 宇佐美 徳隆, 太子 敏則, 樋口 幹雄, 吉村 政志 
42, [1], pp.64-68 (2015)
23 K.O.Hara, J.Yamanaka, K. Arimoto, K.Nakagawa, T.Suemasu, N.Usami
Structural and electrical characterizations of crack-free BaSi₂ thin filmsfabricated by thermal evaporation
Thin Solod Films, 595, 68-72 (2015)
24 Y.Suzuki, Y.Kurokawa, T.Suzuki, K.Kanda, M.Niibe, M.Nakano, N.Ohtake, H.Akasaka
Structure and physical properties of stable isotopic amorphous carbon films
Diamond and Related Materials, 63, 115-119 (2015)
25 M.M.Rahman, M-Y, Lee, Y-C,Tsai, A.Higo, H.Sekhar, M.Igarashi, M.E.Syazwan, Y.Hoshi, K.Sawano, N.Usami, Y.Li, and S.Samukawa 
Impact of silicon quantum dot super lattice and quantum well structure as intermediate layer on p-i-n silicon solar cells




1 K.Toko, R.Numata, N.Oya, N.Fukata, N.Usami, and T.Suemasu
Low-temperature (180C) formation of large-grained Ge (111) thin film on insulator using accelerated metal-induced crystallization
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 022106 (2014)
2 K.Kutsukake, N.Usami, Y.Ohno, Y.Tokumoto, and I.Yonenaga
Mono-like silicon growth using functional grain boundaries to limit area of multicrystalline grains
3 R.Numata, K.Toko, N.Oya, N.Usami and T.Suemasu
Structural characterization of polycrystalline Ge thin films on insulators formed by diffusion-enhanced Al-induced layer exchange
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 53 04EH03 (2014)
4 K.Nakazawa, K.Toko, N.Usami and T.Suemasu
Al-induced crystallization of amorphous Ge thin films on conducting layer coated glass substrates
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 53 04EH01 (2014)
5 T.Yamamoto, H.Okuda, K.Takeshita, N.Usami, Y.Kitajima, H.Ogawa
Grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering from Ge nanodots self-organized on Si(001) examined with soft X-rays
6 K.Toko, R.Numata, N.Saitoh, N.Yoshizawa, N.Usami and T.Suemasu
Selective formation of large-grained, (100)- or (111)-oriented Si on glass by Al-induced layer exchange
J. Appl. Phys. 115, 094301 (2014)
7 K.Toko, K.Nakazawa, N.Saitoh, N.Yoshizawa, N.Usami and T.Suemasu
Orientation control of Ge thin films by underlayer-selected Al-induced crystallization
CrystEngComm 16, 2578 (2014)
8 R. Numata, K. Toko, K. Nakazawa, N. Usami, and T. Suemasu
Growth promotion of Al-induced crystallized Ge films on insulators by insertion of a Ge membrane below the Al layer
Thin Solid Films 557, 143?146 (2014)
9 R. Numata, K. Toko, K. Nakazawa, N. Usami, and T. Suemasu
Large-grained (111)-oriented Si/Al/SiO₂ structures formed by diffusion-controlled Al-induced layer exchange
Thin Solid Films 557, 147?150 (2014)
10 K.O.Hara, Y.Hoshi, N.Usami, Y.Shiraki, K.Nakamura, K.Toko, T.Suemasu
N-Type Doping of BaSi₂ Epitaxial Films by Phosphorus Ion Implantation and Thermal Annealing
Thin Solid Films 557, 90-93(2014)
11 T.Tayagaki, Y.Hoshi, K.Ooi, T.Kiguchi, N.Usami
Carrier Extraction Dynamics from Ge/Si Quantum Wells in Si Solar Cells
Thin Solid Films 557, 368-371(2014)
12 Y.Hoshi, T.Tayagaki, T.Kiguchi, N.Usami
Control of geometry in Si-based photonic nanostructures formed by maskless wet etching process and its impact on optical properties
Thin Solid Films 557, 338-341(2014)
13 T.Tayagaki, Y.Hoshi, Y.Kishimoto, N.Usami
Enhanced photocarrier generation in large-scale photonic nanostructures fabricated from vertically aligned quantum dots
OPTICS EXPRESS 22, A225-A232(2014)
14 K.Nakajima, K.Morishita, R.Murai, N.Usami
Formation process of Si₃N₄ particles on surface of Si ingots grown using silica crucibles with Si₃N₄ coating by noncontact crucible method
JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 389, 112-119(2014)
15 R.Takabe, K.O.Hara, M.Baba, WJ.Du, N.Shimada, K.Toko, N.Usami, T.Suemasu
Influence of grain size and surface condition on minority-carrier lifetime in undoped n-BaSi₂ on Si(111)
16 V.H.Nguyen, Y.Hoshi, N.Usami
Simple approach for improving gold deposition inside nanoporous alumina template on Si substrate
17 S.Joonwichien, I.Takahashi, S.Matsushima, N.Usami
Towards implementation of floating cast method for growing large-scale high-quality multicrystalline silicon ingot using designed double crucibles
18 K.O.Hara, N.Usami, M.Baba, K.Toko, T.Suemasu
N-type doping of BaSi₂ epitaxial films by arsenic ion implantation through a dose-dependent carrier generation mechanism
Thin Solid Films 567, 105-108(2014)
19 T.Tayagaki, Y.Kishimoto, Y.Hoshi, and N.Usami
Light trapping by direction-dependent light transmission in front-surface photonic nanostructures
Applied Physics Express 7, 122301(2014)




1 M.Igarashi, M.F.Budiman, WG.Pan, WG.Hu, Y.Tamura, ME.Syazwan, N.Usami, S.Samukawa
Effects of formation of mini-bands in two-dimensional array of silicon nanodisks with SiC interlayer for quantum dot solar cells
Nanotechnology 24, 015301 (2013).
2 K.Arimoto, H.Furukawa, J.Yamanaka, C.Yamamoto, K.Nakagawa, N.Usami, K.Sawano, Y.Shiraki
Formation of compressively strained Si/S1-xCx/Si(100) heterostructures using gas-source molecular beam epitaxy
Journal of Crystal Growth 362, 276-281(2013).
3 N.Usami, M.Jung, T.Suemasu
On the growth mechanism of polycrystalline silicon thin film by Al-induced layer exchange process
J. of Cryst. Growth 362, 16 (2013).
4 K.Kutsukake, N.Usami, Y.Ohno, Y.Tokumoto, I.Yonenaga
Control of Grain Boundary Propagation in Mono-Like Si: Utilization of Functional Grain Boundaries
Applied Physics Express 6, 025505 (2013)
5 K.Nakamura, M.Baba, M.A.Khan, W.Du, M.Sasase, K.O.Hara, N.Usami, K.Toko, T.Suemasu
Lattice and grain-boundary diffusions of boron atoms in BaSi 2 epitaxial films on Si(111)
Journal of Applied Physics 113, 053511(2013)
6 Balderas-Navarro.R.E, Ulloa-Castillo.N.A, Arimoto.K, Ramirez-Melendez.G, Lastras-Martinez.L.F, Furukawa.H, Yamanaka.J, Lastras-Martinez.A, Flores-Camacho.J.M, Usami.N, Stifter.D, Hingerl.K
Reflectance anisotropies of compressively strained Si grown on vicinal Si1-xCx(001)
Applied Physics Letters 102, 011902(2013)
7 S.Joonwichien, S.Matsushima, N.Usami
Effects of crystal defects and their interactions with impurities on electrical properties of multicrystalline Si
Journal of Applied Physics 113, 133503(2013)
8 M.Igarashi, WG.Hu, M.M.Rahman, N.Usami, S.Samukawa
Generation of high photocurrent in three-dimensional silicon quantum dot superlattice fabricated by combining bio-template and neutral beam etching for quantum dot solar cells.
Nanoscale research letters 8, 228(2013)
9 R.Numata, K.Toko, N.Saitoh, N.Yoshizawa, N.Usami, T.Suemasu
"Orientation Control of Large-Grained Si Films on Insulators by Thickness-Modulated Al-Induced Crystallization
Crystal Growth & Design 13, 1767-1770(2013)
10 K.O.Hara, Y.Hoshi, N.Usami, Y.Shiraki, K.Nakamura, K.Toko, T.Suemasu
Structural study on phosphorus doping of BaSi 2 epitaxial films by ion implantation
Thin Solid Films 534, 470-473(2013)
11 M.A.Khan, K.O.Hara, W.Du, M.Baba, K.Nakamura, M.Suzuno, K.Toko, N.Usami, T.Suemasu
In-situ heavily p-type doping of over 10(20) cm(-3) in semiconducting BaSi 2 thin films for solar cells applications
Applied Physics Letters 102, 112107(2013)
12 K.Toko, N.Fukata, K.Nakazawa, M.Kurosawa, N.Usami, M.Miyao, T.Suemasu
Temperature dependent Al-induced crystallization of amorphous Ge thin films on SiO 2 substrates
Journal of Crystal Growth 372, 189-192(2013)
13 Y.Hoshi, W.Pan, T.Kiguchi, K.Ooi, T.Tayagaki, N.Usami
Control of Dip Shape in Photonic Nanostructures by Maskless Wet-Etching Process and Its Impact on Optical Properties
Jpn.J.Appl.Phys. 52, 080202 (2013)
14 XJ.Xu, N.Usami, T.Maruizumi, Y.Shiraki
Enhancement of light emission from Ge quantum dots by photonic crystal nanocavities at room-temperature
JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 378, 636-639 (2013)
15 M.Baba, K.Toh, K.Toko, K.O.Hara, N.Usami, N.Saito, N.Yoshizawa, T.Suemasu
Formation of large-grain-sized BaSi2 epitaxial layers grown on Si(111) by molecular beam epitaxy
JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 378, 193-197 (2013)
16 K.Arimoto, S.Sakai, H.Furukawa, J.Yamanaka, K.Nakagawa, N.Usami, Y.Hoshi, K.Sawano, Y.Shiraki
Gas-source MBE growth of strain-relaxed Si1-xCx on Si(100) substrates
JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 378, 212-217 (2013)
17 M.Igarashi, WG.Hu, M.M.Rahman, N.Usami, S.Samukawa
Generation of high photocurrent in three-dimensional silicon quantum dot superlattice fabricated by combining bio-template and neutral beam etching for quantum dot solar cells
18 S.Koike, K.Toh, M.Baba, K.Toko, K.O.Hara, N.Usami, N.Saito, N.Yoshizawa, T.Suemasu
Large photoresponsivity in semiconducting BaSi2 epitaxial films grown on Si(001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy
JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 378, 198-200 (2013)
19 M.A.Khan, K.O.Hara, K.Nakamura, W.J.Du, M.Baba, K.Toh, M.Suzuno, K.Toko, N.Usami, T.Suemasu
Molecular beam epitaxy of boron doped p-type BaSi2 epitaxial films on Si(111) substrates for thin-film solar cells
Journal of Crystal Growth 378, 201-204 (2013)
20 K.Sawano, Y.Hoshi, S.Nagakura, K.Arimoto, K.Nakagawa, N.Usami, Y.Shiraki
On the origin of the uniaxial strain induced in Si/Ge heterostructures with selective ion implantation technique
Journal of Crystal Growth 378, 251-253 (2013)
21 T.Higuchi, N.Usami, T.Minemoto
Effect of Ga content and growth temperature on Cu(In,Ga)Se 2 thin film deposited on heat-resistant glass substrates
Phys.Status Solidi C 10, No. 7?8, 1035?1037 (2013)
22 K.Nakazawa, K.Toko, N.Saitoh, N.Yoshizawa, N.Usami, T.Suemasu
Large-grained polycrystalline (111) Ge films on insulators by thickness-controlled Al-induced crystallization
ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol. 2, Q195-Q199(2013)
23 K.Toko, K.Nakazawa, N.Saitoh, N.Yoshizawa, N.Usami, T.Suemasu
Double-layered Ge thin films on insulators formed by an Al-induced layer exchange process
Crystal Growth & Design 13, 3908(2013)
24 S. Joonwichien, I. Takahashi, S. Matsushima, and N. Usami
Towards implementation of floating cast method for growing large-scale high-quality multicrystalline silicon ingot using designed double crucibles
Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. (in press)
25 K.O. Hara and N.Usami
Theory of open-circuit voltage and the driving force of charge separation in pn-junction solar cells
J. Appl. Phys. 114, 153101 (2013)
26 K.O.Hara, N.Usami, K.Nakamura, R.Takabe, M.Baba, K.Toko, and T.Suemasu
Determination of Bulk Minority-Carrier Lifetime in BaSi 2 Earth-Abundant-Absorber Films by Utilizing a Drastic Enhancement of Carrier Lifetime by Post-Growth Annealing>
Applied Physics Express 6, 112302 (2013)
27 K.O.Hara, N.Usami, K.Nakamura, R.Takabe, M.Baba, K.Toko, and T.Suemasu
Mechanism of strain relaxation in BaSi2 epitaxial films on Si(111) substrates during post-growth annealing and application for film exfoliation
Physica Status Solidi C 10, 1677-1680 (2013)
28 T.Tayagaki, Y.Hoshi, and N.Usami
Investigation of the open-circuit voltage in solar cells doped with quantum dots,
Sci. Rep. 3, 2703 (2013)




1 K.O.Hara, N.Usami, K.Toh, K.Toko, T.Suemasu
"Realization of Large-Domain Barium Disilicide Epitaxial Thin Film by Introduction of Miscut to
Si(111) Substrate"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 51, 10NB06(2012).
2 T.Tayagaki, N.Usami, Y. Kanemitsu
"Influence of thermal annealing on the carrier extraction in Ge/Si quantum dot solar cells"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.51, 10NE24 (2012).
3 W.J.Du, T.Saito, M.A.Khan, K.Toko, N.Usami, T.Suemasu
"Effect of Solid-Phase-Epitaxy Si Layers on Suppression of Sb Diffusion from
Sb-Doped n+-BaSi2/p+-Si Tunnel Junction to Undoped BaSi2 Overlayers "
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 51, 04DP01-04DP01-4 (2012).
4 K.Toh, K.Hara, N.Usami, N.Saito, N.Yoshizawa, K.Toko, T.Suemasu
"Molecular beam epitaxy of BaSi2 thin films on Si(001) substrates"
J. Cryst. Growth 346, 16-21 (2012).
5 A.Okada, K.Toko, M.Jung, N.Usami, T.Suemasu
"(100) and (111) orientation-control of polycrystalline Si films on conducting underlayers
by Al-induced crystallization "
in preparation.
 6 N.Usami, W.Pan, T.Tayagaki, S.T.Chu, J.S.Li, T.H.Feng, Y.Hoshi, T.Kiguchi
“Simultaneous enhanced photon capture and carrier generation in Si solar cells using Ge quantum dot photonic nanocrystals”
Nanotechnology 23, 185401 (2012).
7 W.J.Du, M.Suzuno, M.A.Khan, K.Toh, N.Nakamura, M.Baba, K.Toko,
N.Usami, T. Suemasu
"Improved photoresponsivity of semiconducting BaSi2 epitaxial films grown on a tunnel junction for thin-film solar cells"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 152114 (2012).
 8 K.Nakajima, R.Murai, K.Morishita, K.Kutsukake, N.Usami
"Growth of multicrystalline Si ingots using noncontact crucible method for reduction of stress"
J. Cryst. Growth 344, 6-11 (2012).
 9 M.Baba, K.Toh, K.Toko, N.Saito, N.Yoshizawa, K.Jiptner, T.Sekiguchi, K.Hara, N.Usami, T.Suemasu
"Investigation of grain boundaries in BaSi2 epitaxial films on Si(111) substrates using transmission electron microscopy and electron-beam-induced current technique"
J. Cryst. Growth 348, 75-79 (2012).
10 T.Iwabuchi, Y.H.Liu, T.Kimura, Y.T.Zhang, K.Prasertsuk, H.Watanabe, N.Usami, R.Katayama,

“Effect of Phase Purity on Dislocation Density of Pressurized-Reactor Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy Grown InN"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 51, 04DH02 (2012).
 11  T.Tsuboi, X.J.Xu, J.S.Xia, N.Usami, T.Maruizumi, Y.Shiraki

"Room-temperature electroluminescence from Ge quantum dots embedded in photonic crystals microcavities”

Appl. Phys. Express 5, 052101 (2012)

T.Tanaka, Y.Hoshi, K.Sawano, N.Usami, Y.Shiraki, K.M.Itoh
"Upper limit of two-dimensional hole gas mobility in strained Ge/SiGe heterostructures"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 222102 (2012)
13 I.Brynjulfsen, K.Fujiwara, N.Usami, L.Arnberg
"Growth velocity and grain size of multicrystalline solar cell silicon"
J. Cryst. Growth 356, 17-21(2012)
14 A.Okada, K.Toko, K.O.Hara, N.Usami, T.Suemasu
"Dependence of crystal orientation in Al-induced crystallized poly-Si layers on SiO2 insertion
layer thickness"
J. Crytst. Growth 356, 65-69 (2012)
15 K.Ohdaira; K.Sawada, N.Usami, S.Varlamov, H.Matsumura
"Large-Grain Polycrystalline Silicon Films Formed through Flash-Lamp-Induced Explosive
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.51, 10NB15 (2012)
16  X.J.Xu, S.Narusawa, T.Chiba, T.Tsuboi, J.S.Xia, N.Usami, T.Maruizumi, Y.Shiraki
"Silicon-Based Light-Emitting Devices Based on Ge Self-Assembled Quantum Dots Embedded
in Optical Cavities"
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron
18, 1830-1838(2012)
17 K.O.Hara, N.Usami, K.Toh, M.Baba, K.Toko, T.Suemasu
"Investigation of the recombination mechanism of excess carriers in undoped BaSi2 films on silicon"
J. Appl. Phys. 112, 083103(2012)
18 T.Tayagaki, N.Usami, W.Pan, Y.Hoshi, K.Ooi
"Enhanced carrier extraction from Ge quantum dots in Si solar cells under strong photoexcitation"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 133905 (2012).




沓掛 健太郎、宇佐美 徳隆、太陽電池の基礎知識、「スマートハウスの発電・蓄電・給電技術の最前線」、シーエムシー出版
2 宇佐美 徳隆、SiGe量子ドットのエピタキシャル成長、「量子ドットエレクトロニクスの最前線」51-60、株式会社エヌティーエス
3 N. Usami, “Types of silicon-germanium (SiGe) bulk crystal growth methods and their applications” SiGe nanostructures: materials science, technology and applications, edited by Y. Shiraki, and N. Usami, chap.4, Woodhead publishing
1 I. Takahashi, N. Usami, H. Mizuseki, Y. Kawazoe, G. Stokkan, and K. Nakajima
"Imapct of type of crystal defects in multicrystalline Si on electrical properties and interaction with impurities"
J. Appl. Phys. 109, 033504 (2011).
2 M. Jung, A. Okada, T. Saito, T. Suemasu, C.Y. Chung, Y. Kawazoe, and N. Usami
"In situ observation of polycrystalline Si thin films grown using Al-doped ZnO on glass substrate by the Al-induced crystallization"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50, 04DP02 (2011).
3 M. Jung, A. Okada, T. Saito, T. Suemasu, and N. Usami
"Effect of the presence of Al-doped ZnO layer on the preferential crystal orientation of polycrystalline silicon thin films grown by Al-induced layer exchange method"
J. Ceram. Process. Res. 12, s187-s192 (2011).
4 A. Okada, R. Sasaki, Y. Matsumoto, M. Takeisi, T. Saito, K. Toh, N. Usami, and T. Suemasu
"Formation of poly-Si layers on AZO/SiO2 and anti-reflection coating with AZO films for BaSi2 solar cells"
Physics Procedia 11, 31-34 (2011).
5 N. Usami, I. Takahashi, K. Kutsukake, K. Fujiwara, and K. Nakajima
“Implementation of faceted dendrite growth on floating cast method to realize high-quality multicrystalline Si ingot for solar cells”
J. Appl. Phys. 109, 083527 (2011).
6 K. Sawano, K. Toyama, R. Masutomi, T. Okamoto, K. Arimoto, K. Nakagawa, N. Usami, and Y. Shiraki
“Effects of increased compressive strain on hole effective mass and scattering mechanisms in strained Ge channels"
Microelectronic Engnieering 88, 465-468 (2011).
7 T.Kiguchi, K.Aoyagi, Y.Ehara, H.Funakubo, T.Yamada,
Noritaka Usami, Toyohiko J Konno
"Configuration and local elastic interaction of ferroelectric domains and misfit
dislocation in PbTiO
3/SrTiO3 epitaxial thin films"
8 K.Kutsukake, T.Abe, N.Usami, K.Fujiwara, K.Morishita, K.Nakajima
"Formation mechanism of twin boundaries during crystal growth of silicon"
Scripta Materialia 65 (2011) 556-559.
 9 Y.Hoshi, K.Sawano, A.Yamada, S.Nagakura, N.Usami,
Keisuke Arimoto, Kiyokazu Nakagawa, Yasuhiro Shiraki
”Line width dependence of anisotropic strain state in SiGe films induced by selective ion implantation”
Appl. Phys. Express. 4, 095701 (2011)
 10 KO.Hara, N.Usami, Y.Hoshi, Y.Shiraki, M.Suzuno, K.Toko, T.Suemasu
"Structural study of BF2 ion implantation and post annealing of BaSi2 epitaxial films.
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50, 121202 (2011).
11  K.Kutsukake, T.Abe, N.Usami, K.Fujiwara, I.Yonenaga,
Kohei Morishita, Kazuo Nakajima
"Generation mechanism of dislocations and their clusters in multicrystalline silicon during two-dimensional growth"
J. Appl. Phys. 110, 083530 (2011)




1 宇佐美 徳隆、シリコン結晶系太陽電池-技術動向と課題、工業材料 58, 35-38 (2010).
1 N. Usami, R. Yokoyama, I. Takahashi, K. Kutsukake, K. Fujiwara, and K. Nakajima
"Relationship between grain boundary structures in Si multicrystals and generation of dislocations during crystal growth"
J. Appl. Phys., 107, 013511 (2010).
2 I. Takahashi, N. Usami, K. Kutsukake, G. Stokkan, K. Morishita, and K. Nakajima
"Generation mechanism of dislocations during directional solidification of multicrystalline silicon using artificially designed seed"
J. Cryst. Growth 312, 897-901 (2010).
3 S. Sanorpim, R. Katayama, K. Onabe, N. Usami and K. Nakajima
Lattice-latching effect inmetalorganic vapor phase epitaxy growthof InGaAsN film lattice-matched to bulk InGaAs substrate”
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.49, 040202 (2010).
4 T. Saito, Y. Matsumoto, M. Suzuno, M. Takeishi, R. Sasaki, T. Suemasu, and N. Usami
"Fabrication of n+-BaSi2/p+-Si Tunnel Junction on Si(111) Surface by Molecular Beam Epitaxy for Photovoltaic Applications"
Appl. Phys. Express 3, 021301 (2010).
5 Y. Hoshi, K. Sawano, A. Yamada, K. Arimoto, N. Usami, K.Nakagawa, and Y. Shiraki
"Ion energy and dose dependence of strain relaxation for thin SiGe buffer layers using Si+ implantation"
Thin Solid Films 518, S162-S164 (2010).
6 K. Sawano, Y. Hoshi, A. Yamada, Y. Hiraoka, N. Usami,K. Arimoto, K. Nakagawa, Y. Shiraki
"Formation of uniaxially strained SiGe by selective ion implantation technique"
Thin Solid Films 518, 2454-2457 (2010).
7 R. E. Balderas-Navarro, L. F. Lastras-Martinez, K. Arimoto, R. Castro-Garcia, O. Villalobos-Aguilar, A. Lastras-Martinez, K. Nakagawa, K. Sawano, Y. Shiraki, N. Usami, and K. Nakajima
"Optical anisotropies of Si grown on step-graded SiGe(110) layers"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 091904 (2010).
8 I. Takahashi, N. Usami, K. Kutsukake, K. Morishita, and K. Nakajima
"Computational investigation of relationship between shear stress and multicrystalline structure in silicon"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.49, 04DP01 (2010).
9 Y. Matsumoto, D. Tsukada, R. Sasaki, M. Takeishi, T. Saito, T. Suemasu, N. Usami, and M. Sasase
"Epitaxial Growth and Photoresponse Properties of BaSi2 Layers toward Si-Based High-Efficiency Solar Cells"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.49, 04DP05 (2010).
10 Y. Hoshi, K. Sawano, A.Yamada, N. Usami, K. Arimoto, K. Nakagawa, and Y. Shiraki
"Ion dose, energy, and species dependencies of strain relaxation of SiGe buffer layers fabricated by ion implantation technique"
J. Appl. Phys.107, 103509 (2010).
11 K. Fujiwara, H. Fukuda, N. Usami, K. Nakajima, and S. Uda
"Growth mechanism of the Si<110> faceted dendrite"
Phys. Rev. B81, 224106 (2010).
12 J. S. Xia, Y. Takeda, N. Usami, T. Maruizumi, and Y. Shiraki
"Room-temperature electroluminescence from Si microdisks with Ge quantum dots"
Optics Express 18, 13945-13950 (2010).
13 M. Jung, A. Okada, T. Saito, T. Suemasu, and N. Usami
"On the controlling mechanism of preferential orientation of polycrystalline Si thin films grown by Al-induced crystallization", Appl. Phys. Express 3, 095803 (2010).
14 H. Suzuki, N. Usami, A. Nomura, T. Shishido, K. Nakajima, and T. Suemasu
"Impact of amorphous Ge thin layer at the amorphous Si/Al interface on Al-induced crystallization"
J. Cryst. Growth 312, 3257-3260 (2010).
15 L. Gu, Y. Yu, W. Sigle, N. Usami, S. Tsukimoto, J. Maier, Y. Ikuhara, and P.V. van Aken
“Direct bandgap measurements in a three-dimensional macroporous silicon 9R polytype using monochromated transmission electron microscope”
Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 213102 (2010).
16 M. Tokairin, K. Fujiwara, K. Kutsukake, H. Kodama, N. Usami, K. Nakajima
“Pattern formation mechanism of a periodically facted interface during crystallization of Si”
J. Cryst. Growth 312, 3670-3674 (2010).
17 H. Okuda, M. Kato, K. Kuno, S. Ochiai, N. Usami, K. Nakajima, and O. Sakata
“A grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering analysis on capped Ge nanodots in layer structures”
J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 22, 474003 (2010).
K. Kutsukake, T. Abe, N. Usami, K. Fujiwara, K. Morishita, and K. Nakajima
“Formation mechanism of twin boundaries in silicon multicrystals during crystal growth”
Proceedings of 35th IEEE photovoltaic specialists conference, 810-811 (2010).
K. Nakajima, K. Kutsukake, K. Fujiwara, N. Usami, S. Ono, and I. Yamasaki
“High efficiency solar cells using small size ingots with 30 cmφ by controlling the distribution and orientation of dendrite crystals grown along the bottom of the ingots”
Proceedings of 35th IEEE photovoltaic specialists conference, 817-819 (2010).
N. Usami, T. Saito, A. Nomura, T. Shishido, and T. Suemasu
“Evaluation of minority carrier lifetime in BaSi2 as a novel material for earth-abundant high efficiency thin-film solar cells”
Proceedings of 35th IEEE photovoltaic specialists conference, 2984-2986 (2010).
T. Saito, Y. Matsumoto, T. Sueamsu, and N. Usami
“Photoresponse properties of BaSi2 films grown on n+-BaSi2/p+-Si tunnel junction for high efficiency thin-film solar cells”
Proceedings of 35th IEEE photovoltaic specialists conference, 2970-2973 (2010).
K. Nakajima, K. Kutsukake, K. Morishita, N. Usami, S. Ono, and I. Yamasaki
“High efficiency solar cells obtained by small size ingots with 30 cmφ by controlling the distribution and orientation of dendrite crystals grown along the bottom of the ingots”
Proceedings of 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 1299-1301 (2010).
N. Usami, I. Takahashi, R. Yokoyama, K. Kutsukake, K. Fujiwara, and K. Nakajima
“Suppression of generation of dislocations in Si multicrystals by controlling coherency of grain boundaries at the initial stage of crystal growth”
Proceedings of 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 1229-1231 (2010).
N. Usami, I. Takahashi, K. Kutsukake, and K. Nakajima
“Impact of coherency of grain boundaries in multicrystalline Si on materials properties to affect solar cell performance”
Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on science and technology of crystalline silicon solar cells


Future Conferences